Example 2: L2-tracking
In this example, we show how to minimize the shape functional
where \(u:\mathbb{R}^2\to\mathbb{R}\) is the solution to the scalar boundary value problem
and \(u_t:\mathbb{R}^2\to\mathbb{R}\) is a target function. In particular, we consider
Beside the empty set, the domain that minimizes this shape functional is a disc of radius \(0.6\) centered at \((0.5,0.5)\).
Implementing the PDE constraint
We implement the boundary value problem that acts as PDE
constraint in a python module named L2tracking_PDEconstraint.py
In the code, we highlight the lines which characterize
the weak formulation of this boundary value problem.
1import firedrake as fd
2from fireshape import PdeConstraint
5class PoissonSolver(PdeConstraint):
6 """A Poisson BVP with hom DirBC as PDE constraint."""
7 def __init__(self, mesh_m):
8 super().__init__()
10 # Setup problem
11 V = fd.FunctionSpace(mesh_m, "CG", 1)
13 # Weak form of Poisson problem
14 u = fd.Function(V, name="State")
15 v = fd.TestFunction(V)
16 f = fd.Constant(4.)
17 self.F = (fd.inner(fd.grad(u), fd.grad(v)) - f * v) * fd.dx
18 self.bcs = fd.DirichletBC(V, 0., "on_boundary")
20 # PDE-solver parameters
21 self.params = {
22 "ksp_type": "cg",
23 "mat_type": "aij",
24 "pc_type": "hypre",
25 "pc_factor_mat_solver_package": "boomerang",
26 "ksp_rtol": 1e-11,
27 "ksp_atol": 1e-11,
28 "ksp_stol": 1e-15,
29 }
31 self.solution = u
33 # problem = fd.NonlinearVariationalProblem(
34 # self.F, self.solution, bcs=self.bcs)
35 # self.solver = fd.NonlinearVariationalSolver(
36 # problem, solver_parameters=self.params)
38 def solve(self):
39 super().solve()
40 fd.solve(self.F == 0, self.solution, bcs=self.bcs,
41 solver_parameters=self.params)
42 # self.solver.solve()
To solve the discretized variational problem,
we use CG with a multigrid preconditioner
(see self.params
in Lines 22-30).
For 2D problems, one can also use direct solvers.
Implementing the shape functional
We implement the shape functional \(\mathcal{J}\)
in a python module named L2tracking_objective.py
In the code, we highlight the lines which characterize \(\mathcal{J}\).
1import firedrake as fd
2from fireshape import ShapeObjective
3from L2tracking_PDEconstraint import PoissonSolver
6class L2trackingObjective(ShapeObjective):
7 """L2 tracking functional for Poisson problem."""
9 def __init__(self, pde_solver: PoissonSolver, *args, **kwargs):
10 super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
11 self.u = pde_solver.solution
13 # target function, exact soln is disc of radius 0.6 centered at
14 # (0.5,0.5)
15 (x, y) = fd.SpatialCoordinate(self.Q.mesh_m)
16 self.u_target = 0.36 - (x-0.5)*(x-0.5) - (y-0.5)*(y-0.5)
18 def value_form(self):
19 """Evaluate misfit functional."""
20 u = self.u
21 return (u - self.u_target)**2 * fd.dx
Setting up and solving the problem
We set up the problem in the script
To set up the problem, we
construct the mesh of the initial guess (Line 8, a unit square with lower left corner in the origin)
choose the discretization of the control (Line 9, Lagrangian finite elements of degree 1)
choose the metric of the control space (Line 10, based on linear elasticity energy norm)
initialize the PDE contraint on the physical mesh
(Line 15)specify to save the function \(u\) after each iteration in the file
by setting the functioncb
appropriately (Lines 19 and 22).initialize the shape functional (Line 22), and the reduce shape functional (Line 23),
create a ROL optimization prolem (Lines 26-49), and solve it (Line 50).
1import firedrake as fd
2import fireshape as fs
3import ROL
4from L2tracking_PDEconstraint import PoissonSolver
5from L2tracking_objective import L2trackingObjective
7# setup problem
8mesh = fd.UnitSquareMesh(100, 100)
9Q = fs.FeControlSpace(mesh)
10inner = fs.ElasticityInnerProduct(Q)
11q = fs.ControlVector(Q, inner)
13# setup PDE constraint
14mesh_m = Q.mesh_m
15e = PoissonSolver(mesh_m)
17# save state variable evolution in file u.pvd
19out = fd.File("u.pvd")
21# create PDEconstrained objective functional
22J_ = L2trackingObjective(e, Q, cb=lambda: out.write(e.solution))
23J = fs.ReducedObjective(J_, e)
25# ROL parameters
26params_dict = {
27 'Step': {
28 'Type': 'Line Search',
29 'Line Search': {
30 'Descent Method': {
31 'Type': 'Quasi-Newton Step'
32 }
33 },
34 },
35 'General': {
36 'Secant': {
37 'Type': 'Limited-Memory BFGS',
38 'Maximum Storage': 10
39 }
40 },
41 'Status Test': {
42 'Gradient Tolerance': 1e-4,
43 'Step Tolerance': 1e-5,
44 'Iteration Limit': 15
45 }
47params = ROL.ParameterList(params_dict, "Parameters")
48problem = ROL.OptimizationProblem(J, q)
49solver = ROL.OptimizationSolver(problem, params)
Typing python3 L2tracking_main.py
in the terminal returns:
Dogleg Trust-Region Solver with Limited-Memory BFGS Hessian Approximation
iter value gnorm snorm delta #fval #grad tr_flag
0 3.984416e-03 4.253880e-02 4.253880e-02
1 2.380406e-03 3.243635e-02 4.253880e-02 1.063470e-01 3 2 0
2 8.449408e-04 1.731817e-02 1.063470e-01 1.063470e-01 4 3 0
3 4.944712e-04 8.530990e-03 2.919058e-02 2.658675e-01 5 4 0
4 1.783406e-04 5.042658e-03 5.182347e-02 6.646687e-01 6 5 0
5 2.395524e-05 1.342447e-03 5.472223e-02 1.661672e+00 7 6 0
6 6.994156e-06 4.090116e-04 2.218345e-02 4.154180e+00 8 7 0
7 4.011765e-06 2.961338e-04 1.009231e-02 1.038545e+01 9 8 0
8 1.170509e-06 2.423493e-04 1.715142e-02 2.596362e+01 10 9 0
9 1.170509e-06 2.423493e-04 1.372960e-02 3.432399e-03 11 9 2
10 1.085373e-06 4.112702e-04 3.432399e-03 3.432399e-03 12 10 0
11 7.428449e-07 1.090433e-04 3.432399e-03 8.580998e-03 13 11 0
12 6.755854e-07 8.358801e-05 2.034473e-03 2.145249e-02 14 12 0
Optimization Terminated with Status: Converged
We can inspect the result by opening the file u.pvd
with ParaView.